A company annual balance sheet in RL is what you need to estimate a company value, or else it is enough to visit any specialized web site to read the major indexes and compare them with other companies in the same segment.
In SL, expecially as we are talking about WSE which is a young market, there is no such thing. Only available info consists of the companies own statements and there is no real control office. In any case some numbers are there to be found: look at the "research" section on the WSE web site. For each company you can find there a synthetic report, all the company statements, and the history of dividends (some companies have started distributing dividends as often as weekly.)
During the first days I read many reports, but I could not find any news about dividends, which in my opinion is the only way to find out whether a company can be trusted. After that I decided that the only way was to invest on a variety of companies, choosing in the first place those companies which could sport a decent capitalization to asset ratio ... and I could not find many of these.
Just to show one example, the first company in the section research is named A.M. Sports Bets (AMS). On the synthetic report it is stated that there are 50 million stocks (Outstanding Shares: 50,000,000)and the company owns assets for L$ 1.216 millions. The stock was quoted at L$ 1 per share at launch, then with an initial capitalization about 50 millions lindens!!!!You've got it wright: 50 millions L$, that is around 140 thousand EURO! (Is there any one still thinking tha SL be just a game?? :) ). Capitalization/asset ratio =50/1,216=41. I have sorted the companies on the base of this ratio, preferring those with a lower value.
This is the first parameter that I looked For the next one, don't miss my following posting ;)
Pasha Boucher
Translation by Mr Jo Bleac
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